A frame of a Para Saber na Fila video

What to know while in line

One-minute video series for TV Folha about events and places to visit


June 2017


Folha de S.Paulo


William Mur and I


Writing & hosting


Mur and I developed this project with very short videos for Instagram with curiosities about events and places people could visit

Para saber na fila (What to know while in line) was a one-minute video series made for TV Folha.

The project was based around small videos, posted on Instagram, that people could watch while in line for events or places of interest.

We did five episodes before TV Folha's leading team changed and the project was cancelled. All videos were directed by William Mur.

The first one was about a Picasso exposition.

The second, about São Paulo's Ceagesp, a perfect place to buy plants.

The third, about a latin cinema expo, with a special room with Anna Muylaert's work.

The fourth, about Woody Allen (then) latest movie.

The last (and my favourite), about Finding Nemo's sequel: Finding Dory.

Contact me anytime
